Monday, June 17, 2013

With a Heavy Heart...

...with a heavy heart, I embed this video - the NY Times reporting on the status of wild  horses.  It seems every year we get a bad report.  lots of politicians - bought and paid for - lobbying for their demise.

These horses are some of the finest stock in North America - true horse pedigree.  I know firsthand -we adopted 2 of them.

Do they tell people like me - when and how they can adopt these horses - NO!

There are NO public service announcements.  For only 125 dollars - you can adopt and provide care - in return you get  a really good horse - get them young enough  - and they are easy to handle.  Adopt an older one - and you may look upon them with pleasure and admiration - knowing you have prevented one more slaughter.

I encourage everyone to bring these horses home - it is easier than you think!  here are  some photos of ours at Ambrosia Farms for many years we have given "Blackfoot" and "Blossom" greener pastures!

...please go to the following adoptions if you are in NY, NJ , or CT- make sure to pre apply if you want to adopt that day - their website has all the info:

in the North east 

July 12-13Ithaca, NYMilwaukee Field Office

July 19-21Gloucester County, NJ
Extreme Mustang Makeover
Milwaukee Field Office


we can help you with questions or concerns about requirements and facilities    to be eligible.
call us at toll free eight hundred 221 nine seven five five!

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