Friday, December 23, 2016


from the book of same title:


"And God saw everything he had made, and found it very good.
And He said: This is a beautiful world that I have given you.
Take good care of it, do not ruin it.
It is said: Before the world was created, the Holy One kept creating worlds and destroying them.  Finally he created this one,
and was satisfied.  He said to Adam: This is the last world I shall make.  I place it in your hands: hold it in trust."

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Year in Review:Pondering the Past

here are some photos from our farm that bring back memories of this past year:
the goats got a new pasture...
June Royal, our older horse at 33 years continues to thrive

as does the herd...we are grateful for that.  Their fencing was redone all the way around to make it completely escape proof...because the grass is always greener...
and Jim Dandy got his groove back...with the help of a daily pill to regulate his body temperature ...pineal combat worked!

Saturday, December 10, 2016


this beautiful wreath reminds me of the circle of life...

we follow the natural cycles...from the care and cozy comfort we give to the shelter, food, water, and freedom towards a long life, to their composted manure that provides nutrients, to the goat grazing that clears some of our land, to the cats and dogs that keep vermin at bay....and all they give to beauty and spirit
...for the animals we rescue and care for ...from the wild mustangs to the owners who give up beloved pets due to circumstances ...we extend our heartfelt wishes for PEACE & KINDNESS!  May Love Be With You and Yours.  Always, Ambrosia Farms.