Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hebe Returns

We rec'd a yearling doe looking alot like Hebe, our kid born/died in the same year.  Black with striking white lines down the front of the face. Here is a picture side by side.

What a strange and lovely surprise! A distant neighbor said the animal had appeared one day at the woman's home - she called around to find the owner without succeeding and was hoping to find it a good home. My neighbor who I had spoken to about my goats - thought maybe it was mine and dropped it off with a note. Here is the note.

When I heard of the gift goat - I went out to see it - it was very wild - but also quite healthy looking with a glossy coat and strong horns - a very pretty creature. A La Mancha - Hebe was not - but in all other respects she looked just like her.

It took over a half hour and some Buck baiting but I finally caught her and called the gift givers inquiring how they were able to catch her in the wild when I could not even catch her in a pen. Two heads are better than one - I guess... Once caught, I pet her. Once I showed her the other girls in their pens, a big fear seemed to lift off of her and she seemed once again home on the farm!

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