Our cat, Oconee, in contemplation...
As I reflect on the past year, I am already looking to the future with hope and anticipation...to let go of any baggage of past mistakes and losses, of any weight that holds me down, both physically and mentally. This is a way to avoid dangerous depression that afflicts some sensitive souls. It is also a way to set goals and expectations for the future - so that I work with focus, live with purpose, and create a life that accentuates my skills, talents, and dreams.
There is a beach lifestyle in our future... Gene and I on the beach Christmas Day 2014. As we approach our next quarter century with power and strength remaining - there comes a time we won't be able to do all the chores of a farm lifestyle. I hope that the next decade on the farm will be fruitful and fabulous...and we will enjoy each day on this magical farm with animals. Planning ahead to our later years, I hope we can live by the sea in a much warmer climate. May we care for our animals in their sunset years - and begin planning for our own.
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