Here in the Northeast, our "perfect" Spring weather days are rare and a long time coming. This week, at last, we are getting fine weather. Along with Spring, comes babies, lots of them - from birds to deer, to woodchucks, to cattle (calf), goats (kid), and sheep (lamb) - and deer (fawn).
Here is the first fawn I saw this Spring.
While I never interfere with nature - unknowingly I came upon this newly birthed fawn and her mother. Unfortunately, this fawn would never see her mother again. It became road kill - another statistic in the long list of animals killed on the road by people each day. Sometimes you can avoid wild animals by using brakes... keeping ones peripheral vision in check.... and sometimes it is unavoidable - adding to the list of unfortunate events in our modern society.
The fawn will become part of our farm life. That is, until she is strong enough to join the herd on our longstanding wildlife reserve of old growth forest behind our farmhouse.. Now, she'll house with the goats. I have named her Assisi, in honor of St Francis - a caregiver of animals and the environment - a lead we have tried to follow in the near and long term.
Caring for animals, a list which grows longer over the years, is a huge responsibility. Of the many species on this Earth, it is endearing to learn of the uniqueness of each and every creature. We do our best to support a great quality of life for those in our charge.
"...where there is hatred let me bring you love...where there's despair in life, let me bring hope, where there is darkness, only light, and where there is sadness, ever joy..."
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