Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nina Prize: The New York Times

We grew up reading one of the best newspapers published.  Their numerous prizes for investigative reporting helped keep democracy free.  The Sunday paper was always a big treat - and I mean big - back in the day before internet service, of course.

I salute the paper - my first Nina Prize - and thank them for all the great reporting and general interest stories.  I've tried to learn a lot from reading this newspaper.

here are some of the journalist excellence  - these items are highlighted in the Times - the list goes on:
"An investigation into how Wal-Mart used bribery to dominate the market in Mexico. Winner of a Pulitzer Prize in 2013.
This series delved into business practices by Apple and other technology companies, showing the darker side of a changing global economy. Winner of a Pulitzer Prize in 2013.
An investigation into unexplained deaths of developmentally disabled people in New York group homes. Finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in 2012"

Today, it is fashionable to say how the "liberal news media" are co-opting our democracy.  Others state that conservative media misleads the public to further their agenda.

In my opinion, one needs to do research - which means studying many sources.  The many facets of a newspaper such as The New York Times can't be labeled - first and foremost - it is educational.   Intellect can be measured.  And reporters for this organization meet this criteria on every level.  They are one of many sources I use for research.  I invite you to read articles on a subject you know something about - and see why their coverage is top notch!  

In this age 2017, when powerful people declare "fake news" and random people publish "fake news" - it is good to have an expert in the field that rises above all of it. Like the doctor you relied on to perform surgery - the one that saved your life - or the other kind - the "Quack" - that made you sicker - the importance of professional journalism should NOT be understated or taken for granted.  The New York Times is that journalism - the organization is not infallible - but they make a strong effort to report the news - to investigate - to be above the fray...and unlike certain persuasions who liken every form of intelligentsia to "liberal" values - intellect is not lost on me - and I hope - not lost on the majority of humans - without it - we do not have civilization at it's best.  

The New York Times has won many many Pulitzer Prizes over the decades!

2017 Pulitzer Prize Winners - 3 for NYT!

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