Our boys are gentlemen...they are beautiful and kind...they are strong and butt heads and live harmoniously with each other...all at the same time. Just don't get in between them and grain - you'll have yourself a sore hand or worse. Our bucks are Butler, Helios, Cupid, and Achilles. Our wethers are Aether, Apollo, Mercury, & Meander.
Lots of people comment on how white and clean their hair is dispelling the myth that billie goats are smelly. When they "rutt" - the term used for the mating season - boys will piss on themselves creating the distinctive odor as the piss dries and causes the off color to their face coat. Fortunately, that is only in the fall and for now they keep themselves white and clean! Our wethers, or neutered boys stay clean year round because they do not have the drive to mate. How we wether our boys is through banding at about 5-7 weeks of age and the band cuts off the blood supply to the testicles causing it to fall off within weeks. Honestly, this is not as painful as it sounds and the boys go about their living as if nothing has been done to them. We are currently a no kill facility so all are boys stay on the farm forever!
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