Marmande- Popular old French variety developed by the Vilmorin Seed Co. Scarlet, lightly ribbed fruit, have the full rich flavor
Pantano Romanesco -Roman heirloom The fruit are large and are deep red. The flesh is very rich, flavorful & juicy.
Rutgers -Determinate large red 8 oz. globes. Good yields and flavor, large vines. A fine New Jersey heirloom.
Tonadose Des Conores -heirloom cherry tomato from France, the very red fruit have an orange tinge inside,lingering flavor.
Striped Roman - Stunning and unique. These long, pointed red fruit have wavy orange stripes! It’s a specialty grower’s dream
Cherokee Purple - pre-1890 variety; beautiful deep dusky purple-pink color, superb sweet flavor, and very large sized fruit.
Black Krim Dark -red-purple fruit, rich sweet flavor. winner in tomato taste trials. It’s very juicy. An heirloom from Russia
We have limited supply and will sell on a first come reserved basis - you will pickup at points in NJ and NYS
please email us to reserve yours and schedule a pickup: ambrosiafarmsny@yahoo.com or phone 1.800.221.9755
I was sorry to hear about the tomato blight you are suffering from - I just found the blog, but next year we would love to order tomatoes from you. ... best of luck to you both ... hope the fall crops come in better than summer did ...