Marmande- Popular old French variety developed by the Vilmorin Seed Co. Scarlet, lightly ribbed fruit, have the full rich flavor
Pantano Romanesco -Roman heirloom The fruit are large and are deep red. The flesh is very rich, flavorful & juicy.
Rutgers -Determinate large red 8 oz. globes. Good yields and flavor, large vines. A fine New Jersey heirloom.
Tonadose Des Conores -heirloom cherry tomato from France, the very red fruit have an orange tinge inside,lingering flavor.
Striped Roman - Stunning and unique. These long, pointed red fruit have wavy orange stripes! It’s a specialty grower’s dream
Cherokee Purple - pre-1890 variety; beautiful deep dusky purple-pink color, superb sweet flavor, and very large sized fruit.
Black Krim Dark -red-purple fruit, rich sweet flavor. winner in tomato taste trials. It’s very juicy. An heirloom from Russia
We have limited supply and will sell on a first come reserved basis - you will pickup at points in NJ and NYS
please email us to reserve yours and schedule a pickup: ambrosiafarmsny@yahoo.com or phone 1.800.221.9755