Saturday, November 29, 2014

Our Newest Adoption

Times are difficult across the country - but no more than on America's small farms.  We have adopted horses and hounds and have a no kill home for many animals - 50+.

Over the years we cared for hounds we appreciate the breed and it's thirst to run on open land - we are fortunate to have in Central NYS.

Our latest adoption is a beagle hound mix named Bud "Jake" at home in his donated pillow and cage.

I think he took to our farm easily because we have so many other hounds for them to play with - Jake makes 5 dogs in all - we are maxed out!  In the past we have cared for as many as 10 dogs but we are older now.  He is from a nice home in NJ.

He has a tag "Jake the escape artist - and he already took to the woods - opening our back door -  and landed on another farm - luckily he was returned the next day.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

All About Pawnee

The "Pillsbury Dough" Girl...she reminds me of the mascot

This cat is a little fur ball - and that can be cute - but hard to clean after.  Her little body is like a cat doll.  Her fur just keeps on much so that it gets tangled in itself and I need to cut away the knots!

She has 6 of those cats whose paws look like a snowshoe...perfect for winter walking in the snow.  Pawnee is indoors most of the time - due to her stature - I don't think she would do well at defending herself.   I call her inside, especially at night.

She has yellow eyes...rare...she is so cute!!!!

Can you see how cute she is?

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Ambrosia Farms: Nature Preserve

It has been awhile since I discovered all the secret treasures of Ambrosia Farms - a grove of Norway Spruce trees between the stream - running water cascading on either side - wildlife hidden in this trove of nature.

Here are a few photos of late:

I feel so fortunate to have stumbled upon this piece of Earth and preserve all that existed.

Today we went on a walk - the beauty of the Catskill Mountains was a backdrop to the Ashokan Reservoir.  A really nice walk - but no dogs allowed, in case you are wondering - on the bridge walk!

we saw and met some birdwatchers, and walkers, that were great to talk to and learn from on our walk today.

it's nice to know that other people have the same reverence for nature as we do...

"the reservoir is approximately 9,000 acres and is part of the New York City water supply system, owned by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Surrounding lands are generally undisturbed beech/oak/maple and mixed pine/hemlock forest, much of which is protected as a buffer zone for the reservoir. According to the NY GAP land cover data, approximately 85% of the site is forested, and includes Appalachian oak-pine, deciduous wetland, evergreen northern hardwood, evergreen plantation, oak, and sugar maple mesic forests. The area has been largely undisturbed since 1915.

This site has supported a nesting pair of Bald Eagles for the past ten years and hosts up to six Bald Eagles during the winter. The reservoir also serves as a stopover site for waterfowl, including an estimated 325 American Black Ducks and 50 or more Common Loons. Surrounding woodlands support an estimated 20 pairs of breeding Red-shouldered Hawks, as well as other breeding at-risk birds, including American Black Ducks, American Woodcocks, Whip-poor-wills, Red-headed Woodpeckers, Willow Flycatchers, Wood Thrushes, Blue-winged Warblers, Prairie Warblers, and Worm-eating Warblers. Migrating at-risk species include Pied-billed Grebes (potential breeder), Ospreys, Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper?s Hawks, and Peregrine Falcons. In the fall, when the reservoir is low, the site also supports shorebirds, including American Golden-Plovers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Whiterumped Sandpipers, and Baird?s Sandpipers. Flocks of Snow Buntings and Lapland Longspurs also use the site during the fall."