Our new additions to the farm, 2 new mouths to feed, some very sweet Saneen Dairy Goat babies. We have been thinking of getting these animals for a very long time. They seem like a natural addition to be sheltered in our wonderful show dairy barn. I think they will enjoy the pasture as much as we will enjoy watching them eat and be in the fresh air. I am learning mostly as I go. I had read so much about horses before I ever got them. But goats are different. They are caprine, part of the bovine family. Selenium is a mineral necessary to goats that is lacking in NY soils and, thus, lacking in our hay and grain. Kids are usually given about 1 cc of a BoSe shot shortly after birth or a loose salt or feed daily that contains Selenium and vitamin E. We try to learn as much as we can about proper feeding - for example, goats need 1kg (2.2 lbs) per day. We provide a good home with wholesome living for all our animals. We also get to introduce children to different animals. Now we'll get to see kids enjoying kids!